
Inspired by the enchanting petals of petunias, the Petunia project is a testament to the delicate balance between design and nature. This intricate work showcases the life cycle of flowers, transitioning seamlessly from their vibrant bloom to a subdued wither. This transformation is depicted through a captivating play on brightness, brought to life with the innovative use of fiber optics and a rotating LED mechanism.

The brilliance of the Petunia project lies not just in its visual appeal but in its mechanical structure. A unique rotating LED system transmits light to a myriad of optical fibers, producing an ever-changing dance of light and shadow. This dynamic interplay, achieved through a simple yet effective rotation mechanism combined with the properties of optical fibers, mesmerizes and draws the observer into a world where design meets nature's rhythm.

In the Petunia project, one witnesses not just a lighting solution but a journey. It invites you to experience the ephemerality of life, to appreciate the fleeting beauty of a flower's bloom, and to marvel at the dance of light, all within the confines of your space.